Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

to to and visit I go his a a a a a a a PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1938- han, Harris Together In a 'Touch' Was Years Ago, Now an Producer Have Been Reunited. Rather Be Right," the Nixon gets Monday not only brings the popM. Cohan back to George al comedy after a 10-year but ad in the served "legitimate" to reunite also with former beloved Sam H. Harris. mer, ow these two got together "good back in the constitutes one of mally, fondest recollections.

(days, retold the It incident was a recently musical New "Little Johnny Jones," that York. brought them the together, bank-roll and is that of I story bond to back its production. of been a great admirer years," said Mr. Hararge I'd never met him. I'd for vaudeville with his him in and mother and sister, and I knew that he beBroadway in an imshow and not touring the red on ant circuits.

I got to know at a pienie pals "over Staten Island. became night. Listen, young I said, been writing vaudeville ches and songs for years. you got something up your that will do In working on something now, maybe it isn't--well, it'd be a for any manager to I chance anybody who'd be willKnow put up some money?" I replied without to cation. 'I've got $100,000 in the and nothing particular to do it and I've got a sort of Bering to get out of this cheap odrama game I'm in and trail with the big shots.

I think a comer. I'll back your When'll you have it In about two he reI'm going down to Texas the folks for a tour. I'll give a ring when I get Well, he gave me the ring right in just about two months he caught me with my guard n. I was flat broke. I forgot mention that I had a string ponies at that time and that vas in the habit of putting bet and then on You know how it is--easy one, easy go.

I finished the darned he over the phone. 'When do we it I stalled for time -said I had to out of town. I didn't dare face and tell him the brutal truth. a couple of tough hours to. figure out some quick of getting a bank roll.

Then I cambered a politician friend of rover in Philadelphia who had inviting me over for a weekfor a couple of years. I knew pas pretty well off. I got him on phone and said I was coming him. Monday came around and I nit made the touch yet. I deto nome on the noon my friend volunteered to me off.

When we got about blocks from the station I myself-'It's now or never, We were passing a SAand said to him suddenlylike a drink -let's go in went up to the bar and I ora straight whisky. I tossed and I ordered another and third, while my friend med at me in amazement. He'd had one. What's the he inquired, little puzzled. Getting my nerve 1 confeeling suddenly very and venturesome.

want borrow felt my knees going when he filed, 'Oh, is that all? Come over my bank. It's just across the was actually as easy as ali We went over to the bank he made out a check for the Fount and shoved it through the r's window. How'll you have inquired I teller. suddenly thought that it be a lot of fun if I got it mall bills and surprised George, I said: 'In tens and a telling you that $25,000 in tens twenties was a lot of green yellow money. took a cab up to George's found that he was in and Additional Stage and Screen News on Back Page.

THE RUNAWAY BEST SELLER Dr. Arthur E. Hertzler's exciting, witty and moving book THE HORSE AND BUGGY DOCTOR I "What Stories! his Night rides through blizzards in old buggy, with gun for the wild dogs, and a horse who could crawl of ditches; and at the end some woman with stomachache who didn't intend to pay her Month Club News. -Book-of-the- Illustrated. bill." HARPERSI OUTS every page of You'll ADAMIC'S best seller, amended AMERICA- over book recMAN'S the air in "ONE FAMILY." "Big Three" of Capitol TAYLOR HOLMES Presenting, from left to right, Treasury Morganthau," "President and General Farley" went up to his room.

I began unloading that money on a table and I can see him now as he watched me, his mouth aslant and half open with astonishment and his eyes getting bigger and bigger. When the last bill was on the table the money made a pile a foot high. He looked up at me and drawled: "'Where'd you get all 'Over in I replied. 'You'd better play Newark he chuckled. "He found some money himself to match mine and the joint fund the bank-roll that financed 'Little Johnny Jones' and started the firm of Cohan Harris.

A few months later when. I paid my Philadelphia friend I told him what I used the money for. 'Lucky for you that you didn't spill that when you made the he commented. "Twentyfive thousand for a friend in need, but not a red cent of sucker money for show Medals Given For Heroism Two Pennsylvanians Are Among Those Honored. Two Pennsylvanians, including one tempting who to lost his save own another, life in were athonored with bronze medals yesterday by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

Howard Kylor, 23, Huntingdon shipping clerk, drowned January 30 in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue a skater who had fallen through thin ice at Raystown Branch. The was awarded to Kylor's mother, Elsie Kylor. medal, Mrs. Fern Gray, 43, of Oil City, a beautician's helper, was awarded a medal for rescuing Ronald W. Beichner, 12-year-old schoolboy, from drowning in the Allegheny river at President, in July, 1937.

Bronze awards went to 23 other persons, and silver medals to two. The recipients included 24 Americans and 3 Nova Scotians. Mike Sachs Tops New Casino Show Mike Sachs, one of burlesque's best-known comedians, heads the cast of "Gone With the Girls," which opens at the Casino tomorrow with midnight engagement. Sachs has as his side-kick in fun another wheel veteran in Benny (Wop) Moore. Diana Johnson, Winnie Garret and Ina Thomas top the feminine contingent and others in the company are Pastine and Marilyn, Wen Miller and Lew Petel, well as a chorus of 18.

Coming Attractions ALVIN Tyrone Power, Annabella and Loretta Young in "Suez." ART "Grand Illusion," with Pierre 1 Fresnay and Eric Von Stroheim. Confession," with Hank Luisetti and Betty Grable, and "Sons of the Legion," with Lynne Overman and Donald O'Connor. NIXON Ethel Barrymore in "Whiteoaks." Opens November 7. With Wings," with Fred McMurray, Louise Campbell, Ray Milland and Andy Devine. STANLEY Freddie Bartholomew and Judy Garland in "Listen Darling" and George Olsen's Band.

WARNER "Broadway Musketeers," with Margaret Lindsay, Ann Sheridan and Marie Wilson, and Joe Penner in Doodle Kicks Off." This is the superb novel all America is talking about. My Son, My Son! By Howard Spring. Viking $2.50 Presbyterian Fund Drive To Be Launched $10,000,000 Is Sought For Religious Work On College Campus. Presbyterian churches of the district tomorrow will launch a tional campaign to raise $10,000,000 for Presbyterian colleges and Presbyterian centers at state and independent universities as authorized by the General Assembly of the church, which is celebrating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Presbyterianism in America. All Presbyterian churches have been asked to observe tomorrow: as Christian Education Sunday and many local pastors have built their sermons around that topic, Dr.

Hugh T. Kerr will speak at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning on "The Crisis in Christian Education" and will talk on the same general subject at 4:30 o'clock, when his address will be broadcast by KDKA. Purpose of Campaign. Dr. Stuart Nye Hutchison, pastor of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church, will talk tomorrow morning on "A Christian Education" and Dr.

Louis Evans of the Third Presbyterian Church will talk on that subject at both morning and evening services. The purpose of the campaign, as explained by church, leaders, is to bring religion college campus without violating the principle that church and state must be kept separate. They believe that there is a swing back to religion in education in the United States and that this is the time to stabilize the financial condition of the church colleges and church university centers "so that the churches of the country may increasingly count upon the perpetuation of Christian leadership for the future." The Presbyterian centers on many campuses are called West-1 minster foundations and are headed by university workers and pastors. Condition Improves The condition of Wilson S. Arbuthnot, chairman of the board of directors of West Penn Hospital, who has been ill in the institution since October 8, was reported as improved vesterday, although he is still 1 quite sick.

Pastry Shop Hallowe'en Specials Pumpkin Pies- Without which it just isn't Hallowe'en. Creamy, spicy, delicious! Each Assorted Cookies In Hallowe'en disguise- cats, owls, funny faces, 25c Doz. Goblin Layer Cake Rich chocolate and yellow marble cake with deep black chocolate icing on the sides, golden fresh orange icing on top. 50c Each JOSEPH HORNE CO Today 2:30 NIXON- Tonight 8:30 LAST DAY KATHARINE CLEMENCE DARE'S HEROD PAUL PARKS Kaufman-Larry Hart-Richard Rather Be Right," which arrives at the Nixon for a week. School Press Lauded as Foe Of Dictators Speaker Pays Tribute To Young Journalists At Annual Convention.

By Clay Lynch Post-Gazette School Page Reporter. ALTOONA, Oct. school press of America is "a machine gun" standing guard against any form of dictatorship, Dr. Franklin Banner, head of Penn State's journalism department, today told more than 600 high school journalists meeting at the thirteenth annual convention of the Pennsylvania School Press Association here. Speaking on "The School Press Versus Dr.

Banner told the students that school papers like those in the United States would not be tolerated by a dictator and that as long as they exist he is not afraid of this country succumbing to dictatorship. Many From Pittsburgh, Miss Gloria Paul of Carrick High school, a former president of the school press organization, welcomed the delegates, whose numbers included more than 145 from the Pittsburgh district. Tomorrow Pittsburgh students will have a large part in the program. Alberta Ellis and Charlotte Brand of South Hills High, will lead a discussion of feature writing; Charles Matus, Antiss and Bill Hagerling, High, of Kathryok sports writing; James Johnson, Lewis Derstine, Scott Limbach and Paul Saville, Perry High, of editorials; Allan Figurel, Herron Hill Junior High, of junior high publications, and Charles Mykeiz, Katherine Spelic, Doris Bendig and John Kleber, Etna High, of duplicated publications. Debate Scheduled On Security Pact University of Pittsburgh debaters will discuss the question of a collective security pact between the United States and Great Britain tomorrow night at an Aluminum Workers of America forum at 526 Ninth street.

Anthony Lehner, of the Farm Bureau Co-operative Association in Harrisburg, will address the aluminum workers November John A. Lapp, Chicago labor mediator, will appear November 20, and the Reverend Charles Owen Rice, of the Catholic Radical Alliance, will head a forum December 4. NIXON- Week Commencing Monday Night 8:20 Wed. and Sat. Matinees, 2:20 COMING DIRECT FROM ITS GREAT NEW YORK TRIUMPH BY SPECIAL TRAIN OF NINE CARS.


Bal- MATS. WED. Orch. cony $2.20. $1.65, Gal- Balcony $2.20, $1.65, lery 83c (Tax Inc.) Gallery 83c (Tax Inc.) WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14.

Second Subscription Play. The Theatre Guild, Presents the ALFRED LUNT and LYNN FONTANNE Production Jean Giraudoux's Comedy "AMPHITRYON Adapted by S. N. Behrman ORDERS Matinees, NOW Prices: Nights $1.65. 83c.

62.20, $1.10, $2.75. $1.65, (These $2.20, prices $2.75, include $3.30. 83c, $1.10, JOSEPH. HORNE CO Completely Air- -Conditioned a Fine Imported Cravattings GEORGE M. COHAN "Secretary of Hart-George S.

Roosevelt" Rodgers "I'd of the Moos Monday night T'oastmaster NORMAN FRESCOTT. Humorist and radio star, Frescott will be toastmaster of the Variety Club's tenth annual banquet in the William Penn Hotel. Variety Club Fete Sunday Political, Stage and Grid Stars to Be Guests. The tenth annual Variety Club banquet which will have political leaders, stage stars and prominent athletes as honored guests will be held tomorrow night in the William Penn Hotel. More than 175 showmen from all sections of the nation arrived yesterday for the event which will have among, its speakers, Babe Ruth, Crowley, Fordham football coach; United States Senators Joseph F.

Guffey and James J. Davis; former Governor Harold G. Hoffman, of New Jersey; Judge Arthur H. James, Dr. John B.

(Jock) Sutherland, Pitt coach; Marshall Goldberg, Pitt's star fullback, and Norman Frescott, humorist and radio star, who will be toastmaster. A two-hour vaudeville show featuring such stars as Freddie Bartholomew, Borrah Minnovitch's Harmonica Rascals, Marjorie Gainsworth, radio singer, and others, is on the program. Tonight the visiting showmen will attend a dinner and hockey game and this afternoon they will watch the Pitt-Fordham game at the dium. Lecture Forum Series To Open Thursday Night Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, vice president of the United Zionist organization, will Y.

M. States, W. H. A. fall lecture forum series next Tuesday night with an address on "The Future of Zionism." Open to the public, the forum will bring Hubert C.

Herring to Pittsburgh November 15 to discuss Mexico, B. C. Vladek in a housing address December 14, and Henry C. Wolfe on January 3 in a lecture on Germany. Applications For Marriage Licenses Matyas, George Pittsburgh Jenkins, Elizabeth Pittsburgh Cimbala, Stephen Duquesne Artim, Agnes Duquesne Fowler, Claude 0.

Ontario, Canada Maurhoff, Louise Brackenridge Del Sardo, Angelo M. Pittsburgh Gerson, Susanna Pittsburgh Bolden, Buddley Pittsburgh Lee, Harriet Pittsburgh Bobo, Lawrence Addison, Maud Pittsburgh Mosley, Frank Blanton, Etta Pittsburgh Sahene, Constantine Universal Konkus, Julia Renton Wick, John Mt. Lebanon Howell, Margaret Mt. Lebanon Gentile, Michael Turtle Creek Datig, Evelyn Baldwin Township Swindells, William, Springdale Reed, Mildred New Kensington Beck. William Clairton Werner, Sara Clairton Hanna, Jesse Pittsburgh Brown, Ruby Sharpaburg SPECIALLY PRICED $1,00 1500 splendid cravats- share in a big group purchase responsible for such a price! Normally $1.50 qualities, composed of lustrous rayon (including Bemberg) and silk mixtures.

All new fall patterns and weights for wear right now--and don't forget Christmas is coming! Step in this morning and pick a handful- -variety aplenty, with paisleys, Persians, twills, basket weaves, allovers and a horde of stripes. Men's Store, Street Brand New Goal Club by DOBBS As sporty as a stadium! Dobbs' new version of the much admired, rough mixture felt. It's aces with college men as an all-around sports hat. But better still, it's not too rah-rah for older men! Worn telescope-crown, slant-back or Tri-Dent fashion. Welt edge and double rope band, in Baden or Epinard Green and Garvin Brown.

$5.00 At Ease, Men! A.M.C. Shorts Calling your attention to our vast selection of underwear-10 makes and many styles, ranging from 55c to Most popular are these all-woven pattern A. M. C. broadcloths and madrases.

Stripes--big bold blazers and narrow clusters- checks, and blue, green and tan. Wide legs, full seat, expert stitchingthings that matter, 16 hours a Ribbed Shirts of Egyptian Lisle. $1.00 Men's' Store, Street Perennially. Smart Pigskin We're coming into colder weather--so have your gloves right at hand! These well-made Bacmos are warm, yes but they're also gloves that appeal to the eyes, as well as to the fingers. All handsomely marked, table cut, and washable.

Clasp and slip-on models, in natural, cork, brown, black and gray. $2.95.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.